I'm not sure why, but lately I've really been missing my family. I'm sure it has to do with all of their fun adventures of blue sharpies on the wall, and cabin weekends and stories of my pups... in reality I think maybe I'm just jealous! I love seing pictures of normal things back home. Something as simple as kids playing in the grass makes me homesick now. But the good news is that as soon as I get back I'm moving to NC!!!!!
I'm really extremely excited about my move and can't wait to get there. Granted I have to go back to TX and pack up in about 2 weeks to move. Then I have to go to Altus OK to requalify on the KC-135 but eventually (Jan 2012) I'll be in NC and SUPER close to my family. Its going to be awesome.
I guess having so much to look foward to when I get back makes me miss home that much more. Before I was just going back to boring ol Del Rio. Now I get a brand new car when I get back, I get to pack up my house and move, I get to go back to flying my girl (the KC-135) and I get to spend more time with my family. Unfortunatley for my mom that also means that she'll have my dogs longer. However she has threatened me with the fact that I may never get them back. (they are kinda great dogs you know.) I dropped them off in Nov and in reality they won't come to NC until I have a place all ready to go sometime in Jan. Don't feel bad for them though, they LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE being in ATL. Just ask Vicki and Casey across the street!!! I miss my family and I miss my dogs, but I know I'll be home soon enough. I'm almost half way through!!!