Kirsten's being deployed to Iraq for 179 days. Read what her family & friends are doing, each day, to support her until she gets home!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Operation Baghdad Pups

My SQ is on a mission to save the puppies here in Kirkuk. I found a group online called Operation Baghdad Pups which is a division of the SPCA International. They actually help soldiers get the dogs that they've befriended out of Iraq. It's EXTREMELY expensive, but it's doable. So we've set up a fundraiser page to save as many of them as we can.

Iraqi's don't see dogs as pets, so they don't exactly treat them very well. On top of that, they are living ON the airfield, so as soon as they grow up and romp around, they are going to be shot for safety of the aircraft. Unlike in the US when you don't adopt a dog, you know the chances of someone else adopting them is high. Here, we know that when we walk away, they won't be so lucky as to have another chance.

All of you know I'm really big into rescues, especially of adult dogs. So I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see the mamma get a good home. She is SUCH a sweet dog and I hate seing her kicked around by the Iraqi's. She's not abused, just not treated very well. Everytime I go visit them she comes running up to me with her tail wagging. She just wants to be loved.

Anyhow, I wanted to send a HUGE shout out to Ced, Sarah and Alyson who have all donated!!! I hear that Ced has also collected donations from people at Stammtisch to thank you to ALL who donated. It means alot to me, and it'll mean even more to those puppies that we can save and bring home.

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