Kirsten's being deployed to Iraq for 179 days. Read what her family & friends are doing, each day, to support her until she gets home!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Safe Arrival


I'm currently in Baghdad, spent the night here and leaving this morning for Kirkuk on another C-130. The flight here was uneventful and I haven't really slept well since leaving Atlanta, but mostky because when you sleep in tents you hear everything. That and rude tent mates turn on lights at all hours of the night for no reason at all. It rained hard all night last night which also isn't easy to sleep through in a tent. I'm looking forward to getting up to Kirkuk and getting settled in. I'll let you know more when I get there. Gotta roll, love you all.

Kirsten was able to call us yesterday and inform us that she has safely arrived in Kirkuk. She said that her entire Unit was there to greet her off the plane and were very welcoming (probably because she is one of the few/only female instructors). They helped her carry her stuff to her "pod". She said the pods are really small trailers that are divided in the middle with a shared bathroom. She said it was rainy and she had already celebrated New Years playing Halo. They are eight hours ahead of us (Eastern time zone). They are giving her a few days to settle in, and then the real work begins. She met the Iraqi commander and spoke a little Arabic to him.

Anyway, she is doing well and eager to start her mission. Will update as soon as I hear more.


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