Kirsten's being deployed to Iraq for 179 days. Read what her family & friends are doing, each day, to support her until she gets home!

Monday, January 31, 2011


I am just so amazed by Technology. Yesterday I was able to Skype with Kirsten. She finally broke down and bought a little Netbook. She has a phone in her room so we get to talk to her quite often and now we can video conference. Sometimes you can even forget that she's in Iraq. She might as well be in Texas. It makes me think about how we used to communicate with our troops during previous wars (WWII, Vietnam, Korea, etc.) Getting a letter every two-three weeks, with no contact to home. Sadly, a lot of people reeceived letters from loved ones after they found out they had been killed in action. I am so thankful that we can easily talk and communicate and it's GREAT being able to see Kirsten LIVE on Skype. Tessa and Ellis were awake, so Kirsten got to say hi to them, also.

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